7 January 2022
A massive Happy New Year to you all. I hope that you all had a fantastic half term and have come back refreshed for Spring TERM.
Here are the highlights of our first week back:
- We began our new Science topic about Evolution and Inheritance. We analysed a range of fossils and discussed what fossils can teach us about evolution.
- We used the greater than, less than and equal to signs in Mathematics when solving a range of mathematical calculations.
- We finished our Geography topic about ‘The Americas’ and created a tourist leaflet for someone planning on visiting Rio de Janeiro.
- We began our new History topic about the Mayan Civilisation and carried out research into their ways of life.
- We began reading a short story called ‘Thank Goodness’ in English. This is a story with a humorous ending and uses clever ‘wordplay’. We will be looking at short stories created by previous Year 6 classes before writing our own next week.