A massive Happy New Year to you all. I hope that you all had a fantastic half term and have come back refreshed for Spring TERM.


Here are the highlights of our first week back:

  1. We began our new Science topic about Evolution and Inheritance. We analysed a range of fossils and discussed what fossils can teach us about evolution.
  2. We used the greater than, less than and equal to signs in Mathematics when solving a range of mathematical calculations.
  3. We finished our Geography topic about ‘The Americas’ and created a tourist leaflet for someone planning on visiting Rio de Janeiro.
  4. We began our new History topic about the Mayan Civilisation and carried out research into their ways of life.
  5. We began reading a short story called ‘Thank Goodness’ in English. This is a story with a humorous ending and uses clever ‘wordplay’. We will be looking at short stories created by previous Year 6 classes before writing our own next week.