Happy New Year! Our first four days back in Moonbeam Class have been fantastic and Mrs Dorota and I have really enjoyed hearing all about the children’s stories from their time off.

This week we have started our new fairy tale term in English. We have discussed which fairy tales are our favourites and why and then we read Little Red Riding Hood. We retold the story through drama and the children’s performances were amazing! We definitely have some comedic actors in our class who are ready for starring roles already.

In Mathematics we have compared and described lengths as well as measure using non-standards units of measurement. (Please see our gallery for photos.)

We have started new topics in History and Science – The Great Fire of London and Seasonal Changes. We have discussed what we know already and asked questions about what we would like to find out in our future learning.

In Phonics we have learnt alternative sounds for ‘ai’, including ay, a-e and ey. Our spellings for next week all include these sounds.

In PSHCE we have compared people and identified similarities and differences between one another. We celebrated the things we have in common as well as things we don’t.

We have set a reading challenge that has been stuck into every child’s reading record. Good luck!


Certificate Winners

Star of the Week – Junior

Good Friend Award – Bonnie-Rae

Merit Certificates – Kevin and Virtue