Creative Week

We have continued looking at Greek Myths in English. Our time recently has been split between reading myths and focusing on new grammatical skills. We practised using parenthesis for the first time and then looked at some SPAG questions linked to this skill. We also practised using inverted commas…

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"Hey Diddle Diddle"

Another week comes to an end! These four day weeks soon fly by! We have explored the myth of King Midas this week, sequencing the events in the myth in the form of a drama. We certainly made the most of the good weather as we performed our work on the outside stage. At the end of the week we wrote…

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Don't mock the Gods!

This week in English we have continued our topic about Greek Myths. Earlier in the week we planned a diary entry from the perspective of Daedalus (from the myth of Daedalus and Icarus) and we wrote this up for our Big Write. We also read the myth of Arachne the Spinner and compared and contrasted…

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Blogs, Blogs, Blogs

It has only been 4 days but it feels like we have been back for ages! We now have Mr Blackburn teaching us all the time again (boo!) In English we started our new Topic about Greek Myths. They had complicated names in those times! Icarus, Daedalus, Epimetheus, Prometheus, Pandora and more! On…

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Oranges and Red Noses

This week we finished our English topic about ‘Oranges in No Man’s Land’ and wrote our own stories from the perspective of Samar. We then began looking at narrative poems which tell a story. We read ‘St Thomas by the Water’ and used improvisation to perform the poem which we really enjoyed doing! …

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An Egg-celent Science Week

This week has been a very special week in school as it has been science week. Scientific activities have been happening all across school. In the juniors we decided to have a competition where ecah class had to create a parachute that would protect an egg and not crack it, when dropped from the…

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The Iron Man Cometh

In Mathematics this week we have been learning about fractions. We have found this topic very challenging but we are getting there! We will continue practising these next week. In English we continued reading our key text.  We created a character profile about the main characters in the text and…

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Where's Wally? He's Everywhere!

This week has been a different week in Diamond class! On Tuesday we created pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. Mr Blackburn and Mr Herd were awful at this and poured in too much batter so it wouldn’t cook. Luckily we had Miss Roberts with us and she did a much better job and we all got a piece…

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'Rooting' around in Science

We had lots of fun with Miss Roberts in Science this week, experimenting on plants and the different ways they grow. We have planted seeds in different conditions and we are hoping to see them grow throughout the spring and summer term. We loved this task – Particularly getting out hands dirty!!!…

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Pizza Hut, Eat Your Heart Out!

This week in Mathematics we have been interpreting data about the class, such as favourite chocolate bars, eye colour and hair colour. We have also used our data to create a number of diagrams and graphs such as bar graphs, line graphs, Venn diagrams and Carroll diagrams. In English we started…

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Civil War!!!

No, not the sort involving Captain American and Iron Man! However, we are just as excited as this week we started an exciting new topic about the Lebanese Civil War in English with Miss Roberts. None of us had heard of this war before so we learnt lots when completed research (we even saw Mr…

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'You buy one, you get one free'

Welcome to our brand new blog page! We shall be updating this every Friday so that you can see what we have been learning about each week in Diamond Class. Please feel free to leave a comment if you wish.


Miss Roberts joined our Diamond Class team this week and has been teaching…

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