Keira's Blog

This week we did practise SATS. We did SPAG on Monday. We did our reading paper on Tuesday. We did arithmetic and reasoning on Wednesday. We did our last reasoning on Thursday.

In the afternoons we made display posters for mathematics golden rules and SPAG skills definitions to help us remember…

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4 weeks and counting......

This week we have had our final SATs practice before the week itself. We completed, SPAG, Mathematics and Reading tests. These tests were carried out exactly as they will be on the week to give us an understanding of the adults in our room and what time of day our tests may be. Mr Blackburn shared…

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End of Spring Term

It has been another busy week in Gold class to round off this hectic Spring Term. On Monday half the class went to Fulwood to continue the swimming programme whilst the rest of us stayed with Mr Blackburn and revised. In the afternoon we carried out our weekly arithmetic paper and our class scores…

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Pool House Has Talent

Our big event this week was our now annual Talent contest! What a fantastic night we all had! 

Tuesday night was the home of Pool House Talent Contest. Twelve acts, who had to pass through a gruelling audition process, performed in front of their peers, parents and staff. It was fantastic to…

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Waiting Waiting Waiting

This week we thought we were going swimming for the first time since year 5. However after waiting for the bus most of the morning, we gave up and focused on some Mathematics instead. Better luck next week! Each Monday we are hoping to go swimming and complete a mental arithme4tic test to increase…

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A Busy First Week Back

This week has been a hectic first week back! We have started a new English topic about ‘Amazing Inventions’. Firstly, we spent our time considering what an invention actually is and then listing some inventions that we all use every day! We then read about Thomas Edison and discussed his top tips…

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Lacey's Blog


On Monday we had our last basketball session in PE. Mr Blackburn got hit in the face with the basketball; it was hilarious! We also completed more work for our Working Wall on The Hobbit. You can now we key vocabulary and definitions, key characters, riddles and interpertations of Gollum…

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Melissa's Blog

This week in Year 6 we have been creating our own interpretations of Gollum, using information retreived from The Hobbit. We have also been learning about Expanded Noun Phrases with Miss Simpson in her last week at our school. Miss Simpson gave us a text that we had to pick out the Expanded Noun…

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A Testing Week

This week the whole class wrote a blog and I chose the one which gave the most detailed summary of the week. This week our blog was written by Olivia, with the help our our expert blog writer Maddy


On Monday we did practice S.P.A.G paper and a spelling test too. In the afternoon we…

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Happy New Year

I hope that you all had a fantastic New Year. I have been very impressed with the level of maturity and the quality of work produced this week in Gold class. The standard has now been set for the rest of the year!

In Maths, we have been learning how to find the perimeter and area of a variety…

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Maddy's Blog


Today in English we were discovering The Hobbit story. All of the class were interested in it. It is such a fun book. In Maths we started learning about algebra because there are some questions about it in SATs.


Today, in the morning, the whole class wrote a…

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This week we have continued exploring our wartime poetry in time for Armistice Day and Remembrance Day.  We improved our reading skills by breaking down some war poetry that we read and answering challenging questions about it. We also practiced multiplying multi digit numbers. In RE we wrote a…

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