I hope that you all had a fantastic New Year. I have been very impressed with the level of maturity and the quality of work produced this week in Gold class. The standard has now been set for the rest of the year!

In Maths, we have been learning how to find the perimeter and area of a variety of different shapes with Miss Simpson. We learnt a new formula to finding the area of triangles which is ‘Base x Height ÷ 2’. Miss Simpson has also continued to teach us ‘Active and Passive’ voice in SPAG. This is a difficult skills and it took Mr Blackburn and Mr Herd a while to fully understand it. In English with Mr Blackburn we continued to look at The Hobbit, concentrating on the higher order language used, with a view to using this in our written work in the future. We began learning about Buddhism again with Mr Herd whilst in Humanities we created our own Mayan God and wrote a short myth that involved this god.

Next week we shall be having a practice SATs week in Gold class. The homework this weekend to LEARN LEARN LEARN the times tables – specifically the eights. New spellings and the new homework grid will be given out at the end of next week. Please make sure you all get a good rest each night next week in preparation for your practice tests. Remember, try your hardest, keep calm and persevere.