A Warm Welcome Back!

After what has felt like forever, it was fantastic to see so many happy and smiling faces this week. I have certainly missed you all in the last six months. As most of you will know by now, I am lucky enough to be teaching the class again this year, with continued support from Mrs Gibson. Mr Price…

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SATs practice and bouncy castles in Gold class

Still going with the SAT’s practice.

In Gold class this week we have been working on our Maths and English. This is so we are as ready for SAT’s as we can be.

In English we have been working on our ‘Give Blood’ campaign. We looked at books, posters, websites and TV adverts to see which…

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A fun week including WBD 2020 in Gold class

Full steam ahead in Gold class.

In English this week we have been working on a fictional recount. We looked at Vampire bats and Mosquitos. These 2 creatures drink blood from humans to survive. We wrote a recount of our ‘fictional’ encounter of one of these.

This week’s Maths started with…

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First week back after a wet holiday

What a busy first week back in Gold class.

This week in maths we have been focusing on fractions. We worked on improper fractions; multiplying fractions and equivalent fractions.

In English we have been looking at the body’s circulatory system. Finding out what words like ‘platelets’ and…

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Last week of half term

This week in Gold class in English we have been focusing on poems in different ways such as searching for verbs and finding there definitions in the dictionary (toils: to work hard, slake : to quench).

In maths we have been focusing on written method strategies for a variety of things.


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End of another busy week in Gold Class

Another busy week in Gold Class…

In maths we have been exploring angles and finding ways of working out missing angles (without using a protractor).

Did you know the interior angles of a Nonagon (9 sided shape) equal 1260°

In English we looked at verbs in poems. We learnt that the word…

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Going For Gold

Image of Going For Gold

Going For Gold

We have had a very busy half term in Gold Class. So busy in fact that this is the first blog that we have done. We have had lots of fun, hard work and some tears during the past 6 weeks. Today has been an excellent day for all the children in the class. We have been taking part…

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First Aid

We continued with our end of year ‘Theme Park Project’ this week. We needed to make sure that we had worked on our finance folder, park brochure, park map or model and our main presentation by the end of the Wednesday. Next week is our final week preparing our final presentation before we present…

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The Jabberwocky

This week we have begun our new English topic about The Jabberwocky. We read through this very famous nonsense poem and discussed what could be happening in each stanza as a group. We then labelled each of the nonsense words depending on what word class they were – verb, noun, adverb, adjective,…

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Sonny's blog

This week in gold class we have been learning about the Iron Man and we have been learning about what he eats. We have made a menu for him and we have also been revising for are SATS. We have been given a SATS revision book that we use at home.

It has also been Red Nose Day and we had to wear…

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Red nose day - Ruby Lewis

This week in Gold class...

In English, we've been having fun creating Iron Menu's for The Iron Man! The food has ranged from giant turbo jet wings, to electric steel train tracks! We were not at all tempted to take a bite out of the copper washing machines and old, rusty…

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The Puppies!!!!

Whilst we have been really busy preparing for SATs once again this week, the stand out event from the week has to be World Book Day. Our theme this year, was Dodie Smith’s 1956 book, ‘One Hundred and One Dalmatians’. Everyone in school was dressed as a dalmatian – everyone but Jasper, Horace and…

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