This week we continued to read War Horse and consider poetry that has similar links. We were given the task to compare and contrast the life of the horses before the war and their life during the war. To help us compose our own poetry we analysed the work of Lucy Gertrude Moberley and considered…

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This week we have considered the different adaptations that animals have made over time in order to survive in their extreme conditions.


This task was split into different tasks for us to complete by Mr Blackburn

  • Consider the adaptation of a polar bear
  • Research the adaptation of…
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Jurassic World

This week has been a very Science focused week. We have had a go at being ‘Junior Palaeontologists’ using ‘Dig It Out’ kits. We also had the opportunity to look at, feel, smell and touch real fossils that Mrs Hanigan brought in for us. As well as these activities we created flow charts into how…

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Ella's Blog


On Monday, we did a Maths and English arithmetic test because we needed to make our brains remember everything we did before we broke up for half term.



On Tuesday, we did singing in the hall with Mr Bamber and then after that we did facts about war horse. In maths we…

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Lest We Forget

Image of Lest We Forget

We experienced something new this week – a trip back in time at the Imperial War Museum in Manchester. This was a fantastic day that everyone enjoyed (including staff!) We had many compliments from members of the public and staff at the museum. Well done Gold Class! Look on our gallery page for…

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Back To Business

We’re back in business in Gold class – refreshed after an extra-long half term break! This week we began our new unit in English – poetry. In particular, poetry from World War 1 and World War 2. We started the unit by creating a ‘self-help’ poster that detailed the key poetic features included in…

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A 'Testing' Week

This week in year 6 we have continued our learning about Pompeii. This week, our task was to create a newspaper article that details the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and destruction of Pompeii. In the build up to typing out our own report we covered a few useful topics:

  • How to use eye witness…
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Football's Coming Home (almost)

A big well done to all our footballers who took part in the recent Year 5 and 6 Kids Cup at Play Football. We all had a great afternoon and a big thank you to all the parents who came along to support us. A extra big thank you to Jack Fannon who came along in his role as Head Boy to help take…

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Gold Class Propaganda

A big welcome back! Where has the time gone? I remember teaching most of you at the end of year 2 and now here we all are again – in your final year of Primary School.


This has been a week of getting used to the new routines and expectations of year 6. We decided upon presentation…

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Iron Man

This week we continued our focus on written work before our moderation next week. This week has seen some fantastic pieces of written work being produced by the children! We have written narratives about The Hobbit and The Iron Man. We wrote our own interpretation of both these well known books.…

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Jolly Teacher

This week we have focused a lot of our attention on our written work, to make sure our class writing folder is ready for our end of year assessment. Here is a poem that was written by Joey Price this week:


I saw a jolly teacher,

Teaching in his jolly class,

After lesson he saw me on…

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The Jabberwocky By Lacey Miller

                The Jabberwocky


100 years ago, the venomous snakes,

Did sliver and hiss in their habitat:

All mysterious were the leopards,

And the ants crawled all over.


“Beware the Jabberwocky, my dear child!

The claws that scratch, the teeth that catch!

Beware the…

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