We’re back in business in Gold class – refreshed after an extra-long half term break! This week we began our new unit in English – poetry. In particular, poetry from World War 1 and World War 2. We started the unit by creating a ‘self-help’ poster that detailed the key poetic features included in poetry, such as, alliteration, personification, metaphor, simile, repetition and rhyme. We then analysed a war poem and found these key features within it.


We spent Maths revising written multiplication methods this week. Mr Blackburn kept reminding us to learn our times tables! We also completed our bread investigation from before half term. Some of the bread had a lot of mould on it!


In the lead up to Remembrance Day, we will leave you with this poem that we read this week:


There was a time I used to smile,

Used to run and skip and not wonder why.

But those days have been over for a while,

Now I only quiver and scream and cry. 


Shaking and trembling like dying leaves,

I am a terrified puppy amongst the already dead.

The grinning guns glare at me from their dirty sheaves,

But I bury my head and cry instead. 


A whistle is heard amongst the blasts,

And the living dead begin to run.

A tremendous ‘BANG’ of a grenade explodes at last,

And it seems to me my life is done.


There was a time I used to smile,

Used to run and skip and not wonder why.

But those days have been over for a while,

Those back home left to mourn and cry.