Welcome back to our blog! I can't believe it is already our second half term in year 2.


"This week we have been learning about orang-utans." - Charley

"They have strong arm muscles." - Indy

In English we are looking at non-fiction texts. 

"They have long arms." - Filip

"They like eating mangoes and durian fruit." - Alara

"They need space to climb" - Oscar

"They live in the forest." - Maryam

"They use leaves as a hat so they don't get wet." - Ela

"They swing on trees." -Jehanna

"They live in South-East Asia." - Dylan

"They need a vet to keep them healthy in the zoo." - Sophia


Next week in English we are going to be starting to research information for our own information booklet about a pet of our choice. The children have already decided which animal they would like to research and I am looking forward to learning lots of new information. 


Have a lovely weekend and please stay safe over the Bonfire Night weekend. We have made our own Bonfire safety posters during PSHCE so the children can tell you exactly how to keep safe.