A well earnt break!

Half term is here!!!!

This week we have continued focusing on poetry. We continued looking at wartime poetry and inferred the meaning of key words and sentences in the poem ‘War Girls’. We wrote a paragraph in our books about the meaning of the poem and explained certain parts of the text. This…

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Poetry In Battle

This week we turned our attention to poetry in wartime, following the conclusion of our topic on Pompeii. We began the week by discussing the key poetic features that we should be able to identify and use in poetry in year 6 (onomatopoeia, metaphors, similes, repetition, and alliteration). We then…

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Football Crazy

This week the highlight of the week was the football tournament at VIDA. Both myself and Mr Herd were incredibly proud of our team. We were desperately unlucky throughout the tournament and unfortunately we did not make it out of our group. A big well done to Harrison Day (Yr6), Ben Parkinson…

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Keep Calm and Eat Cake

This week has been another busy week in Gold Class! Our mathematics topic was all about adding and subtracting fractions this week. This was something that we struggled with as a class but with a lot of hard work, laughter and tears we finally got there in the end! We also looked at BODMAS…

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‘Let Us Go Forward Together’

This week we completed our own propaganda posters, which all have a hidden message. The pick of the bunch can be seen on our Battle of Britain display. This display will continue to grow throughout the half term.


In English, we continued to study the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. We began…

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Heads and Deputies

This week was our first week in year 6 back on the curriculum after last weeks beginning of year assessments. We have made a really positive start to the year and have started discussing the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and what happened to Pompeii. We wrote a diary entry at the end of the week from…

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Welcome back

Firstly, I do hope that everyone has had a fantastic summer and made the most of the very limited good weather that we have had.


Already, we have been hard at work in Gold class, practicing for our exams at the end of the year. Mr Blackburn and Mr Herd have collected our scores and want to…

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Athens or Sparta?

This week we have been focusing on our end of year tests! This has been a challenging week but useful practice for next year in year 6! Mr Blackburn was proud of how well we focused and the scores that we achieved overall.


In the afternoons Mrs Miller continued to teach us about Ancient…

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Learning about Water in the Sun

This week we have focused on Water Safety and took part in and completed tasks set to us by swimming team at Fulwood Leisure Centre. We did this to raise awareness during National Drowning Prevention Week. The first activity we took part in was trying to identify the dangers in a number of water…

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This week in Diamond class we have been learning about BODMAS in Mathematics. BODMAS will help us answer questions in the correct order.

B – Brackets. Solve any calculation inside brackets first.

O – Operations. A fancy name for squared or cubed numbers!

D – Division. Shared into. Divided…

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It's Time To Get Sporty!

Our time in English last week was spent planning our own myths in preparation for our Big Write today. We used a grid of key features to help us concentrate our ideas. These key features included using relative clauses, creating complex sentences using ly, ing and simile openers and also using a…

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Sunny Side Up

What a fantastic week it has been in Diamond Class, the sun has been shining and the work has been absolutely fantastic. We spent some of our afternoons on the field with Year 3, Year 4 and Year 6, we practised for Sports Day, played cricket and played rounders. Ben challenged the teachers to a…

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