This week we have focused on Water Safety and took part in and completed tasks set to us by swimming team at Fulwood Leisure Centre. We did this to raise awareness during National Drowning Prevention Week. The first activity we took part in was trying to identify the dangers in a number of water related real life situations. We analysed dangers at home, at the beach, at the swimming pool and along the canal. We listed these in small groups – as a class we spotted all 36 dangers! Then we completed some cross words about water safety and some of the clues were very challenging!

We were also asked to create a poem about Water Safety. This competition was open to everyone who takes part in the Better School Swimming Programme, which was why were invited to enter. These poems could be written in any poetic style – most of us created acrostic poems though. We were told that the winner will receive a swimming bag and the poem will be published online. Good luck to everyone!

The final task we completed was a research task about Water Safety. We logged on to the Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS) website and wrote down key information into our rough books. Using this key information we created a poster warning people about the potential dangers of water!


The Star of the Week this week is Niall Duncan. Our Merit winners are Ethan Carroll (for his dancing skills in our Grease production) and Jake Halsall (for consistent hard work throughout the week). Jayden Moore also won the Sports Person of the Week from Mr Price. Well done to all!