This week has been another busy week in Gold Class! Our mathematics topic was all about adding and subtracting fractions this week. This was something that we struggled with as a class but with a lot of hard work, laughter and tears we finally got there in the end! We also looked at BODMAS (Brackets, Orders, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction). Remembering this will help us to complete questions in the correct order throughout the year!


In English we continued our Pompeii topic and began our preparation for our final written piece of the topic, before we leave Pompeii behind. We sequenced the events of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and detailed these events in our English books. We also considered what people in Pompeii could: see, hear, smell, taste, touch and hear at various key times before and during the eruption of the great volcano. We then began to consider and analyse sources from eye witness accounts, such as Pliny the Younger, who could tell us more about the event. We practised forming quotes, using inverted commas and colons, ready to use in our newspaper report at the end of next week.


Our big event this week was our PoolHouse Bake-off in aid of MacMillan. It was fantastic to see the school community gather together for such a good cause. The hall was packed full of children, parents and cakes! Our ‘Head Team’ were om hand throughout the day to help out setting up the competition, serving cakes and generally being a positive influence throughout the event.