Firstly, I do hope that everyone has had a fantastic summer and made the most of the very limited good weather that we have had.


Already, we have been hard at work in Gold class, practicing for our exams at the end of the year. Mr Blackburn and Mr Herd have collected our scores and want to make sure that we all make great progress this year and that we are all fully prepared to sit the tests in May next year.


We have also been given a new homework grid. This half term our homework topic is the Battle of Britain, which links to our work in History throughout the half term. We have also explored some real life propaganda posters before attempting to make some of our own.


This morning we read out our Head Boy and Head Girl speeches to the junior classes. Mrs Cole, Mr Blackburn and Mr Herd were very impressed by the quality of the speeches! We are all very nervous about who is going to be announced as the ‘winner’ but we shall find out on Monday morning in assembly. Watch this space!