"It has been a pleasure to teach the brand new Bronze Class. I have thoroughly enjoyed my week in school. Thank you for all you hard work and sensible attitudes"
- Mr Bamber
"It has been very exciting in Bronze Class"
- Layla
"I have enjoyed playing outside on the big yard"
- Sophie
"mr Bamber is really funny"
- Atlanta-Georgia
"Bronze Class played a pretend guitar"
- Jamaar
"I liked the rock 'n' roll bit"
- Max
"I liked learning about Tutankhamen"
- Emily J
"I like learning with Mr Bamber"
- Tegan
"I liked writing about the Egyptian boy"
- Emma
"I have enjoyed it all"
- Finlay
"I have enjoyed my first week in Bronze Class"
- Evie
"I LOVED it in Bronze Class"
- Leon
"I have liked all of the lessons"
- Callie
"I liked doing my writing"
- Emily P
"I liked reading with Mrs Miller"
- Hayden
"I liked all of it, I am not scared anymore"
- Jack
"I liked it when we were Detectives"
- Cian
"I liked it when Mr Bamber pulled my chair back and was silly"
- Nicole S
"I have enjoyed getting to know all the children in Bronze Class and I am looking forward to working wih you all"
- Mrs Miller
"Star of the Week was Cian and the Merit Certifcates went to Evie and Hayden"
"Our class got the special (new) head teacher award and we all got a special golden sticker for our fantastic work in our new SPAG books"