Notre français est très bien!

What a busy week of learning we have had in Bronze class this week! 

Here are our top 5 moments of the week... 

1) In English with Miss Ellison we have been looking at the non-fiction text 'Where in the world...' and learning about different places children live around the world and how…

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The Sheep Pig

Five things about The Sheep Pig -

1. Babe is a special piglet. 

2. Farmer Hoggett won the piglet at the village fair. 

3. Fly the Sheep Dog became very fond of the piglet. 

4. Mrs Hoggett wanted to fatten up the piglet for a roast dinner. 

5. Farmer Hoggett did not want to let Babe…

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Top five moments of the week -

We sang Lion King and musical songs in a special Music assembly. 

We learnt more about The Sheep Pig and farmer Hogget.

We explored the Safari parks in Kenya. 

We learnt about volunteers and volunteering. 

We have written emails to our Alaskan pen…

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Millilitre Madness

Top five moments of the week -

In Science with Mr Price we learnt about forces, including friction. 

We learnt how to use the atlas and researched the countries in Africa. 

We explored volume and capacity in Mathematics, measuring in millilitres. 

We know all about suffixes and…

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Beasts, Dragons and Monsters

Top five moments of the week -

1. We have been learning about legend stories and read about the white dragons. 

2. We have learnt how to use grid method to solve multiplication problems. 

3. We learnt all about Boudicca, the Celtic queen. 

4. We danced to a new song with Miss Leah,…

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Five top moments -

1. We did so well on our spelling test we got an extra break time in the snow. 

2. We have learnt about Roman shields and armour. 

3. We have explored legend stories including the Dragon Slayer. 

4. We compared and sorted vertebrates and invertebrates. 

5. We had…

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January is here!

Top five moments of the week - 

1. We have been learning about the Romans. 

2. In Mathematics we learnt more about place value, rounding numbers and column addition. 

3. In Science we labelled the human skeleton. 

4. We have read three stories this week, George and the Dragon, Saint…

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Rockin' Around The Bronze Class Tree

Five Festive Moments of the week -

1. We ate a wonderful Christmas dinner in the hall, all of school together. 

2. In class, we made calendars for all year round. 

3. We have made some Christmas decorations. 

4. We watched the KS1 Nativity and it was so special. 

5. We made simile…

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It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Top five moments of the week -

1. This week we have been learning about short division in Mathematics. 

2. We wrote letters to Mr Hoppy and Mrs Silver from Esio Trot. 

3. In SPAG, we have learnt about prefixes. 

4. The Ring of Fire is a large area where there are earthquakes and…

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Subtract the Wolf

Five moment of the week -

1. We have learnt about a new version of Little Red Riding Hood. 

2. We made a story about Mr Hoppy from Esio Trot. 

3. We have completed column subtractions. 

4. We learnt about keeping healthy and fit. 

5. In PE, we did some gymnastics. 

Star -…

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Tortoise Backwards

Top five moments -

1. We have been reading ESIO TROT by Roald Dahl. 

2. In Mathematics, we have be learning our multiplications. 

3. We have celebrated the life of the soldiers on Remembrance Day. 

4. We have been learning about Diwali. 

5. We learnt about different families in the…

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Bronze Bonfire

Five top moments of the week - 

1. It was story week in English, we have planned and written our own stories.

2. We thought about the importance of listening. 

3. In Mathematics. we learnt about partitioning, number lines and writing numbers. 

4. Listening to different music to compare…

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