What a busy week of learning we have had in Bronze class this week!
Here are our top 5 moments of the week...
1) In English with Miss Ellison we have been looking at the non-fiction text 'Where in the world...' and learning about different places children live around the world and how their lives are different and similar to our own.
2) In Mathematics with Mr Price we have been looking at patterns when multiplying 2-digit numbers by 10 and with Miss Ellison we have been sharpening up on our mental maths, adding and subtracting near multiples of 10.
3) In Art and Design we have been recreating works of art by Georges Seurat, focusing on pointillism.
4) In French we have been learning the body parts and singing 'heads, shoulders, knees and toes' in French! If you want to practice at home, here is the link to the video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVbbLXPdJKQ
5) In PSHCE we have been setting ourselves personal targets to focus on during this term.
Our certificate winners this week were:
Parkinson Polite - Layla-May
Star of the week - hana
Merits - Leo and Phoebe
Good Friend - Idris