A fun four days!

Image of A fun four days!


On Tuesday, we started the morning with an arithmetic. After break we did a little more Maths about the Inverse Operation and finished of the day with a PE lesson and also some history.



On Wednesday, we started the day with a game of Pointless Mathematics to revise…

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Emily's Gold Class Blog

Image of Emily's Gold Class Blog


On Monday, we did our spelling test in the morning and then started to learn about the Jabberwocky in English. After lunch, we started our PE topic on Orienteering and had to run around the school grounds searching for Orienteering flags. Our RE topic today was about what happens after…

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A Fantastic First Week Back!

Image of A Fantastic First Week Back!

A warm welcome back to you all! This week has been a busy one but a really enjoyable one and I think everyone has enjoyed being back after half term. The blog this week has been written by Emily Jones again who is our chief blogger!



On Monday, we practiced our skill of long…

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Red Nose Day

Image of Red Nose Day

What a busy but fantastic day we have had today for Red Nose Day!


1. We bought Red Noses to support a really good cause and designed our own Red Noses and our theme for future Red Nose Day's.

2. We carried out a Red Nose Day quiz in different teams. The three different categories were -…

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Festive Fun

Image of Festive Fun


Today, we made our whole class WW2 time line. Also we went on active learn (Maths flex) it wasn’t everyone’s favourite, but we all did it and did well. In the afternoon we had our film afternoon and watched Christmas Chronicles 2.



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On Monday, we learnt about simple and compound leaves in science. We went on a hunt in the school grounds looking for leaves to classify. Also in PE we had an obstacle course in the hall which included: star jumps, skipping, press ups and walking across the ladders.


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Our Week

Image of Our Week

This week our blog has been written by Emily Jones, our Deputy Head Girl, who has volunteered to write some of our blogs. Have a read of Emily's first blog of the year, below:



On Monday, we learnt about percentages and formal and…

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Classifying Creatures

Image of Classifying Creatures
  1. In Science this week we created our own classifying diagrams/branching diagrams. We first created diagrams for a range of ‘Flanimals’ (nonsense creatures) before also classifying a range of well-known biscuits too. This task will set us up nicely for classifying a range of animals and plants in…
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Image of Remembrance
  1. On Wednesday we remembered all those who have given their lives for us in various conflicts throughout the years. We created our own poems of remembrance and war and then read performed these to the class. We also created our own war themed silhouettes. Look out for these in our gallery…
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Autumn Term 2

This week in year 6 we have continued our learning about Pompeii. This week, our task was to create a newspaper article that details the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and destruction of Pompeii. In the build up to typing out our own report we covered a few useful topics:

  • How to use eye witness…
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The Fires of Pompeii

We have started our new English topic about Pompeii which is a topic that the children have found incredibly excited. Below is a run down of the activities we have carried out so far in this unit:

  1. This week in English we carried out research in what happened in Italy in 79AD. We learnt that…
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The Top Moments of Week 2

  1. Head Hunters. This week we created our own set of Head Hunters cards to find around the school grounds. Each of the sets had to be linked together but the theme of the cards was up to us.
  2. Clay Painting. We started the week by painting our clay mythical creatures that we had created last week.…
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