We have started our new English topic about Pompeii which is a topic that the children have found incredibly excited. Below is a run down of the activities we have carried out so far in this unit:

  1. This week in English we carried out research in what happened in Italy in 79AD. We learnt that the volcano Mount Vesuvius erupted and destroyed the town of Pompeii and other settlements in the surrounding area.


  1. We watched a range of clips about Pompeii from popular media and then imagined what a typical day in Pompeii would have been like. We also watched a clip that can be found on our Learning Wall which explains what happened on eruption day in Pompeii at different times throughout the day.



  1. We compared ‘then and now’ pictures of Pompeii and imagined what certain images showed us, becoming historians, working out whether an image was showing us an amphitheatre, a shop, a forum, a temple or the thermal baths.


  1. We wrote a diary entry from the perspective of someone living in Pompeii using a range of key writing features.



  1. We invited Mrs Cole into class and read our diaries to her. She was very pleased with our diaries and both Mrs Cole and Mr Blackburn gave us feedback on our work.


And this all happened in English – It has been a VERY busy week!


Take care everyone!