This week has been a hectic first week back! We have started a new English topic about ‘Amazing Inventions’. Firstly, we spent our time considering what an invention actually is and then listing some inventions that we all use every day! We then read about Thomas Edison and discussed his top tips for if we want to be inventors!


In Mathematics, we began the week by interpreting data. We answered key questions about a school timetable – not too different than the ones we will have to follow at High School in September! We have also practiced and revised the Long Division method ready for our arithmetic paper.


In Science with Mr Herd this week, we began a new topic about Light. We identified different light sources and spoke about how light travels. We also spoke about how light reflects off objects allowing us to see them even if they are not light sources. In History we carried out research into Mayan Architecture, thinking about why certain structures were built in the way they were. In RE we discussed the different places Christians go to in order to worship.


Finally, please remember that Swimming will begin next Monday so your child will need the correct equipment! Revision club also begins on Monday so if your child has been invited to attend then please make sure the letter is returned by Monday!