Hello everybody. It feels like Monday here in Bronze Class because we have worked so hard and the week has flown by. It is Friday afternoon as we write this blog, and we want to tell you all about our week.


In Mathematics, we have been learning about word problems and learnt a new way of solving word problems called…




R – read

N – note

C – calculate

A – answer


Max remembers this by saying ‘Rats Never Catch Ants’.


We have gone outside to do PE this week, we walked a mile on Monday and then on Tuesday we did some basketball and musical statues. Mr Bamber played the piano as we stood still.


Mrs Bennett returned for some Music and we learnt some new musical notes.


In Art and Design we are doing Photo Frames with Mrs Miller. We are very excited about the photo frames.


Mrs Miller was not in school today because she was off sick. Get Well Soon Mrs Miller. We miss you very much.


In English we have been learning about non-fiction books and we are learning more about countries around the world. We have been listening to facts and reading letters, emails and messages from pen pals in other countries.


This morning we completed a SPAG test and Mr Bamber was very pleased with the results.


In assembly Cian, Leon and Atlanta-Georgia got certificates.


Welcome to Bronze Town


As part of our PSHCE learning we have invented and developed our own town. We are deciding on what houses cost and what houses we want to build in our town. We have thought about the economics of our town including the fact we will have to pay taxes for certain services.  


Our town will have lots of necessary things in it as well as a few fun things. We have


  • Police
  • Hospital
  • Car shop
  • Parks and forests
  • Farmland
  • Fire service
  • Paramedics
  • Businesses
  • High schools
  • Colleges


We have a town mayor and local government to make important decisions on the citizen’s behalf.


There is a special landmark called the Jack Traynor Tower in celebration of one of Bronze Town’s local businessmen.


Older learners can get degrees at The Angela Miller Institute for Higher Learning.


You can catch a show at the local theatre, The Kylie Minogue Theatre Royal.


We have a dance school run by Sofia. We have a local cinema and we have one of the world’s leading fashion designers living in Bronze Town called Layla.


As the town’s developers, we had to decide which houses to build for our residents. We had three options. One option was a small house, which was cheap to make but cold at winter.


The second option was a million pound mansion, but this was too big and took a lot of time and money to build. It also took up a lot of local space so we wouldn’t have been able to have as many people come and live in our happy town.


The third option was an affordable set of modern homes that were both pretty and did not take too long to build. This is the option we went for.


These are our jobs –


Layla – Fashion designer, who owns her own clothing line. The business is called Glamorous Fashionistas.


Tegan – Primary school teacher at Declan’s Community Primary School.

Dawid – Architect, who is in charge of the building work and designing the homes.


Emily Parkinson – Doctor, clinical lead at Bronze Town General Hospital.


Hayden – Football player for Bronze FC.


Leon – Police officer.


Callie – Vet (specialising in rabbits).


Nathan – Teaching assistant at Bronze Town High School.


Jack – Local businessman, owner of Traynor On Wheels (the sports car dealership).


Cian – Footballer for Bronze FC (£100, 000 000  transfer figure)


Sofia – Dance school principal, the school is called Hip Hop UK.


Nicole – Footballer for Bronze FC.


Atlanta – Nurse at Bronze Town General Hospital.


Finlay – Architect, working with Dawid.


Emily Jones – Head teacher of Bronze Town High School.


Max – Team captain of Bronze FC (one of the best footballers in the world).


Emma – Owner of a Gymnastics school.


Evie – Architect, working with Dawid.


Sophie – Artist (world famous and people want to come to our town to see the art work).