It has been another busy week in Gold class to round off this hectic Spring Term. On Monday half the class went to Fulwood to continue the swimming programme whilst the rest of us stayed with Mr Blackburn and revised. In the afternoon we carried out our weekly arithmetic paper and our class scores were really pleased. Mr Blackburn praised us for the progress that we have all made.


On Tuesday we read an extract from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. We answered SATS style questions about this extract independently before discussing the answers as a class. On Tuesday afternoon it was the annual Easter Assembly, led by Mr Bennett. We (most of us!!) all joined in with the songs and some of us played instruments too.


On Wednesday we completed a very challenging morning. We had to find the volume of cubes and cuboids using the key formula:


Volume = Length x Width x Height


On Wednesday afternoon we completed our topic on the Mayan Civilisation. Following on from our recipe writing the other week, we made our own Mayan hot chocolate. This was created using milk, chocolate powder, cinnamon and chilli powder! Needless to say that most of us did not like this Mayan delicacy!


Thursday was another busy day. We revised certain SPAG topics, such as the use of semi colons in sentences to up-level our writing. We then completed our work on volume by visually trying to work out the volume of images that we had been given. On Thursday afternoon we carried out investigations into how we can see objects that are non-luminous. We discussed how light travels and reflects off objects which allows us to see them.


Friday was another packed day. We had a huge celebration assembly, in which attendance awards were given out, Easter bonnets were paraded, Easter egg competitions were judged and star of the week and merit certificates given out.

Your holiday creative homework is below. Have a look and have a go.

Creative homework