This week we have had our final SATs practice before the week itself. We completed, SPAG, Mathematics and Reading tests. These tests were carried out exactly as they will be on the week to give us an understanding of the adults in our room and what time of day our tests may be. Mr Blackburn shared our scores with us on Friday morning and we all did incredibly well. Mr Blackburn said he was very proud of the effort and progress that we had all made. Mrs Cole and the other teachers were really proud of us too! It proved to us that we can do it and we do not have to worry or be concerned about the real tests in a few weeks.


On Friday morning we had our weekly celebration assembly, which was followed by a railway safety talk, aimed particularly at us as the oldest children in school. Once we were back in class we created our own revision aids about key topics to go onto our Working Wall. On Friday afternoon we were given an extended Golden Time as a treat for our hard work and effort throughout the week.


A note from Mr Blackburn: A fantastic week all round. Keep working through sections of your revision books and doing a little bit each day. Keep it going everyone! Only 4 more weeks to go…..