This week has been a different week in Diamond class! On Tuesday we created pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. Mr Blackburn and Mr Herd were awful at this and poured in too much batter so it wouldn’t cook. Luckily we had Miss Roberts with us and she did a much better job and we all got a piece of pancake each (with lemon and sugar on). When we got back to class we designed our pancakes and drew our own toppings on them and then wrote about why we choose the toppings we did.


Thursday was World Books Day and our theme as you know was Where’s Wally. It was the first (and last) time we could get away with calling Mr Blackburn a Wally – and he was the biggest one in school! We completed lots of activities throughout the day – reading through Where’s Wally books, going on a Wally hunt around school, designing our own Where’s Wally character and then creating our own story involving Wally and his friends. We ended the day by finding out what each class had been up to during the day whilst drinking hot chocolate and eating biscuits.