Another Busy Week

Image of Another Busy Week

This week in English we have carried on revising key skills. We have revised placing key pieces of punctuation into sentences accurately, such as colons, semi colons and brackets.


In Mathematics we have learnt how to convert fractions into decimals and then answered a range of questions…

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Critical Consumers

Image of Critical Consumers

In English we have been revising main, subordinate and relative clauses. We also revised relative pronouns for our SATs too.

In Maths we have started a new topic about reflecting and translating 2D shapes across multiple quadrants.

Today, we have been doing our Reading Skills and we have…

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World Book Day

Image of World Book Day

We have had lots of fun today for World Book Day, where we have enjoyed the Wizard of Oz as our theme. This morning we had our usual celebration assembly but this was introduced by Scarecrow and Tin Man. In class we created our own Wizard of Oz characters and wrote a short descriptive paragraph…

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Welcome to Jurassic Park

Image of Welcome to Jurassic Park

In English we are reading Jurassic park. We have read a chapter of the book called The Velociraptor where the characters Lex and Tim are hiding in a kitchen from a Velociraptor. We also created a new Reading display about the skills that we had revised.


In Maths we are learning about…

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Mean, Median, Mode, Range

Image of Mean, Median, Mode, Range

This week in English we have been planning, editing and writing our own Jabberwocky inspired narratives. Once we had planned these, we typed them up on the laptop. We had to choose whichever genre we wanted the narratives to be too.


In Mathematics we have been learning about the Mode,…

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Let There Be Light

Image of Let There Be Light

In Mathematics this week we have revised the long division method.


In English we have started learning about ‘The Jabberwocky.’ It’s a nonsense poem written by Lewis Carroll. We began performing the poem in group with intonation and expression and talking about what we thought the nonsense…

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Welcome to 2023

Image of Welcome to 2023

File:Golden star.svg - WikipediaFrequently Asked Questions? | Pool House Community Primary School

Mirrored & Gold Glitter 2023 MDF Standing Sign, 13.75in x 5in | Party City





In Mathematics, this week we have been learning about the three ordering symbols. We then solved calculations and used the symbols to order the calculations.


In English, we have been learning about how to structure a short narrative. We also focused on the key…

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Letters Of Complaint

Image of Letters Of Complaint

Gold Star Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free DownloadPool House Community Primary SchoolYEAR 6 BLOG

By Indy.




ELL (English Language Learners) Answers | Central Rappahannock Regional  Library




In English we have finished our letters to Mrs Cole for are complaints about the school to make it better.


Key stage 3 Mathematics New Assessment | Teaching Resources





In Math we are doing Angels on a straight line and to find the missing angels



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Blog By Indy Altham

Image of Blog By Indy Altham

In English we are doing our complaint letter (to Mrs Cole).

In Maths we are doing percentages. We have been learning how to find 1% of the given number.

In Science we're doing evolution and inheritance and learnt how fossils are made.

In Geography we're learning about Death Valley.


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Image of Remembrance

On Friday we remembered those who gave their lives so that we can live the lives that we lead today. We had our usual Celebration Assembly with Mr Blackburn before a special Remembrance Assembly with Mr Mearns. 


In class, we wrote war poetry throughout the morning to conclude our English…

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A Short But Busy Week

Image of A Short But Busy Week

It was great to see everyone back at school with smiles on their faces after the half term. Only three days this week but it was still a very busy week:


  1. We finished our Iron Man Interview transcripts, discussing an incident that someone had witnessed involving the Iron Man, Iron Woman…
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Image of Classification

This week we have carried out a range of scientific activities linked to our topic of Classification. We firstly classified a range of nonsense creatures based upon their visible characteristics (remembering that the creatures were not real so we could only classify them on visible aspects).

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