1. This week we began our new PE topic of Hockey. We started the topic by practising our push pass and trapping skills. These are basic skills that will allow us to pass and control the ball with accuracy.
  2. In English we began our Pompeii topic. We learnt about what happened in Pompeii in 79AD and wrote our own diary entry from the perspective of a person that was there at the time.
  3. In Mathematics we used our knowledge of column discipline and place holders to help us when adding different decimal amounts as well as subtracting decimal amounts from whole numbers.
  4. We created our new Class Charter in PSHCE and signed a copy of this to say that we agreed with it. This can be found in our Big Book and on display in our classroom.
  5. We carried out a joint Art project about the works of Andy Warhol. We designed our own patterns in the same style as Andy Warhol and then repeated this pattern. We used paint, oil pastels, pencils and colouring pencils to add colour to each of our designs.