The Nativity

This week has been all about Christmas and finding out about the very first Christmas long, long ago. We have been reading stories, talking about the characters and deciding who we would like to be in our own version of the Nativity next week.

We have also spent time making and writing our own Christmas cards. I am really, really impressed with how fabulous the children have been with their letter formation this week. We have also been writing stick men adventures and they are absolutely wonderful.

This week in Maths we have looked at repeating patterns, and we have been making our own repeating patterns on our Christmas wrapping paper. Next week we will be making something very exciting to wrap up in our paper and bring home.

In phonics we have been learning new words and the sounds v,w and y.

On Wednesday Mrs Bennett taught us some lovely Christmas songs and we had chance to explore the sounds that different instruments make.

On Thursday we had our football skills session with AFC Fylde, it was great fun as usual.

This weeks star of the week is Junior

Our merit certificates are for Hunter for excellent singing, and to Oliver for great stick man writing.

Our kind friend award goes to Virtue.