Its all about me…
This week we have really focussed on sharing our likes and interests. We have talked to our new friends and played with our favourite things.
One of the main areas for learning this week has been Expressive Arts. Everybody has drawn a beautiful self-portrait using a mirror to look carefully at their facial features. We have selected the correct colours for our skin, eyes and lips. I am really pleased with how hard everybody has tried with their portraits. These will be uploaded to our gallery next week.
I am also pleased to say that this week all of the children have completed their Baseline assessments. This really gives us a great idea of next steps and where everybody needs to focus on over this academic year.
We have learnt s,a,t,p sounds this week and have been able to make words with these sounds.
This week’s star of the week is Layla-May
The merits for the week are Olivia and Nelly
The good friend award went to Ashleigh-Grace