This week we have been focusing on Fractions and Decimals in Mathematics. The children have enjoyed learning more about how to use these skills more this week. We have completed a treasure hunt to answer questions finding fractions of amounts to get to the end of the treasure map. We have developed some great understanding of this throughout the week.


In English we have completed our Shang Dynasty topic and written a non-chronological report about the evidence we have gathered. The reports have been beautifully presented and will be going on display in the classroom. 


In our topic lessons we have continued learning about different parts of the world in Geography. Teeth, eating and digestion in Science. And collage in Art. 


The award winners this week are:

Merits - Israel and Etienne 

Star of the week - Amelia 

Good Friend - Iyla 


Have a lovely weekend.


Miss Pass and Miss Hargreaves