This week in Rainbow class we have been learning about traditional tales. We have been looking at different traditional tales like The Gingerbread Man, Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs, The Three Billy Goats Gruff and Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
We have been doing lots of exciting things like baking our own gingerbread men (which were delicious, even if Miss Ellison did forgot the baking powder in the first batch!!), acting out our own version of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and on Friday we will be looking at Goldilocks and finding out how to make (and eat!) the perfect porridge.
Last week in maths we were learning about fractions of shapes including halves, quarters and thirds. We decorated our own biscuits, chalked shapes and colouring fractions of these shapes on the playground and then decorated half of our own pizza. They smelt delicious, but no-one let Miss Ellison have a slice of theirs!!
We also recieved a very exciting email from Mrs Cottam who told us all about her new, exciting life in Thailand. She showed us lots of pictures of her new class and where she lives. Emma also told us about what it is like in Thailand when she went in the summer. We have decided to make our own PowerPoints on our laptops all about Preston and our school. We are going to send them to Mrs Cottam to show her new class when we have finished. Look out on our class page for these too!
In PE we have been learning about the Lancashire Giant and exploring this through dance. Today we pretended we were the giant fighting in the arena. (but don't worry, we know that this play fighting must not be done outside of our PE lesson!)
We can't wait to tell you more about what we are doing in Rainbow Class. This is the first of many blog posts so watch this space!