Moonbeam have had a very busy week! We had a fantastic Halloween party on Tuesday that the children were really excited about and we saw some fantastic, scary outfits.
In English, we have been learning all about winter poems and have even written our own SNOW acrostic poems. We have added describing words and alliteration to our poems to make them more exciting.
"I liked writing our winter poems." (Millie)
In Maths, we have been working on our number bonds.
"We have been finding numbers that make 10." (Alara)
In Art, we made witches and vampires that had arms and legs that move.
In P.E., we have continued our Halloween theme by using the 'Ghost Busters' theme to create dance movements.
To finish a fantastic half-term, our attendance party was a great success. Andy the Entertainer was brilliant and the children all thoroughly enjoyed his magic tricks, balloon modelling and dance songs.
"I liked watching when he tried to put the frisbies on the sticks and they kept falling off!" (Neveah)
"I liked all of it." (Oscar)
"I liked when Ruby was held up by just a balloon!" (Indy)
Star of the week - Ela
Merit certificates - Indiana and Oscar
Have an amazing half term holiday and see you all bright and early on the 8th of November.