In English this week we have continued to learn about fairy tale stories. The children have also written their own fairy tale stories based on the three little pigs. They have chosen new good and bad characters. They have also chosen new materials for the houses to be made from.

"My story is called the three little mice and the bad leopard." (Kaidon)

"My fish made a seaweed house." (Charley)

The children’s stories are amazing and I'm so looking forward to reading them all. 


In Mathematics this week we have been learning to add by counting on. 

"First you find the largest number and then count on." (Dylan)

Some children have been using practical resources to carry out their addition but other children have been learning to do them mentally. (Very impressive)


This week Miss Kazi taught our Science lesson we got very hands on, learning about the properties of different materials. The children used the sense of touch to explore the different materials. 

"Fabric is soft." (Bobbi-Jack)

"Mental is shiny." (Oscar)

In P.E the children have been learning about rolling and linked it with a travelling movement. The children particularly enjoyed watching Mr Price demonstrate the side roll.

In computing the children have begun using the paint programme to create a picture from the story of Red Riding Hood. They have learnt about the flood tool, brush tool and choosing colours. 

Another brilliant week in Moonbeam Class, have a great weekend, see you on Monday. 

Merit certificates - Kaidon and Sophia

Star of the week - Filip