My goodness, we cannot believe we are writing our last blog of this half term. It seems that this week has flown by, probably because we have yet again had another very busy week. 

After reading The hungry caterpillar this week we have talked about the story and how caterpillars change. It has allowed us to think and learn all about being healthy. We have made our own healthy books. We talked about the importance of a good nights sleep, healthy diet, exercise, brushing our teeth, keeping clean and washing regularly.

"We need lots of sleep" Scarlett

"We need to eat healthy food, cucumber is healthy" Harvey

"Eating apples is healthy for you" Joshua

In Maths we have done 2 super amazing things- we have been singing and ordering our days of the week, and we have been making and continuing repeated patterns. Some children found the patterns really tricky at first but soon got the most.

Our mile a day challenge has continued- children are getting much fitter and faster every day. This term we have clocked up a brilliant 20 miles. Well done Sunshine class.

Today is a day of celebration- most of us have achieved 100% attendance this half term- this is incredible. 

Children celebrated with Grandaddy and Nanny Trumbell this afternoon.

Our certificate winners were Toby and Ines and our star of the week is Harvey.

Don't forget to complete your homework challenge over half term.

See you all fresh after the break on Monday 19th at 9am.