Once upon a time there was a wonderful class of 17 children. One day a giant sunflower grew outside their classroom. I wonder what could be at the top of the sunflower?
This week rainbow class have been looking at the story of Jack and the beanstalk before beginning to create our own version.
Today we have been reading an alternative story called 'Jack and the giant sunflower.' before planting our own sunflowers and designing a building that might be at the top of the sunflower.
Have a look at our designs below!
Jack and the giant sunflower
In science we have been classifying things depending on if they are alive, dead or never alive. In maths we have been looking at money, which some of us have found very tricky! We have been finding different ways to make an amount and also giving change.
Homework this week is a homework web and the usual spellings and reading.
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy celebrating Mother's day!