In English this week we have planned and written stories based on the book "Man on the Moon". The children wrote stries with the title When Bob Met an Alien. The children enjoyed thinking of scenarios where Bob and the alien meet and what they do together. These are some pictures of the events of Bob's day. 

Man on the moon





























Ben "The aliens can fly a kite with Bob."

Eliza "Bob and the alien steal all of the food."


In Maths we have been finding 1 more/less and 10 more/less than any number to 100. we have counted on and back in 10s from any number on the 100 square.

Bobbi-Jack "The tens change and the ones are the same."


In science we have been identifying and naming some garden plants. There were so many to choose from! Some children created their own fairy garden, drawing the plants and labeling them.

Eliza "That's a Rose!"


In Geography we have created our own maps. We have looked at Ordnance Survey maps to help us use symbols and a key on our own maps.

Dylan "Can we find Beavers on the map?"


In P.E this week we have been learning to read a map and follow the trail. The children had to add up the points as they went. With Dan on Thursday morning the children were playing team games. They were animals escaping from the zoo. A very fast, fun game.


In R.E the children have been learning about mosques, they looked at what happens in a Mosque and what unique features can be found in there. 

Kaidon "Mosques are decorated with mosaic patterns."

Dylan " People have to take their shoes off before entering the main hall."


In Art the children created a drip painting in the style of Jackson Pollock. The created different shades of paints and then used a splatering technique.


Star of the week - Bobbi-Jack

Merit certificates - Oscar and Ellie