This week in Bronze class we have been very busy.

 This week in English we have become detectives we are trying to solve the mystery of Who Killed Tutankhamen.

In maths this week we have been filling in number squares and multiplication squares and been practising our number bonds to 10 and 100.

On Monday in History we were learning all about Mummification and we turned our friends into Mummies. Also on Monday we did basketball in the hall. We played games and then practised our throwing and catching skills and shouting our friends names loudly so that they could hear us if we were playing a game.

On Tuesday we did science in the afternoon. We were learning about the light from the sun and UV light. The light from the sun can damage your eyes. We designed our own sunglasses as they can help protect your eyes from the sun.

On Wednesday afternoon we were developing our comprehension skills and then we had RE. In Re we learnt about praying and what it meant and then we wrote our own prayers of things that we were thankful for. Alice very bravely stood up in front of the whole class and said the Lord’s Prayer in polish, she read it beautiful and fluently.

On Thursday afternoon it was DT. We looked at what healthy foods are and healthy food posters and then we designed our own healthy pizzas.

On Friday afternoon it was computing. We were really excited to have a go on the new laptops. We started to write our own blogs and learnt how to save our work. 


Well done to this week’s certificate winners Reegan and Arham.

Well done to Darcy for being this week’s star of the week!


We hope you have a lovely weekend and we are looking forward to finding out more about ancient Egypt next week and getting one step closer to solving the mystery of… WHO KILLED TUTANKHAMEN?