
This week in Rainbow class we have been writing our own class poem based on a poem we have been reading called 'Going through old photos'. The children worked in groups to find words to rhyme with their name (some were trickier than others!) Have a look at our rhyming poem below.

Rainbow poem



We have been learning about shape in mathematics this week. 

"A 2D shape is flat." - Charley

"A pentagon has 5 sides." - Filip

"A triangle has 3 corners (vertices)" - Oscar

Which shape has 1 straight and 1 curved edge? Can you tell me in the comment box below? (1 team point for anyone who gets the right shape)

We have also been practising our number bonds to 10 on the game 'Hit the Button.' This is a great game to practise times table recall too and the children have learnt how to get on this game using google and you can also find it on the mathematics page on our class page. 



"We have been learning more about The Great Fire of London." - Jack

"The houses were made of straw and wood." - Indy

"The wind spread the fire quickly." - Jehanna

"We made houses to show why the fire spread." - Nevaeh


This weeks star of the week Charley and our merit certificate winners were Sophia and Aiesha. Well done everyone!

Parent's evening times have been sent home with the children this week and I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday. The children can't wait to show you their work.