30 November 2018
Wednesday saw a fun morning had by some of our junior children, together with some of our friends from Ingol Community Primary school. We had a tangram-tastic (do you see what I did there?!) time, making and solving Tangram puzzles. These seven-piece puzzles, made from polygons, can be used to create animal shapes, larger polygons and a host of other pictures. They’re harder than you think!
Well done to the following children from our school, who worked so well and were great ambassadors for our school.
- Ruby L. (Year 6)
- William F. (Year 5)
- Leila (Year 5)
- Ellie-Mae (Year 5)
- Max P. (Year 4)
- Evie (Year 4)
- Finlay (Year 4)
- Emily J. (Year 4)
- Darcy (Year 3)
- Ada (Year 3)
Thanks too, to Miss Pass for all of her help on the day.
For the challenge this week, why not have a go at some Tangram puzzles yourself? Take a look at:
Have a fun and enjoy!