30 November 2018
In Design Technology this week we have been
"Making our own salad." - Sophia
"We had to design a salad before making it." - Filip
"We had to wash our hands before we made our salad." - Ellie
"Our hair must be tied back." - Maryam
"We cut the vegetable in our salad. Mine had peppers in." - Bobbi-Jack
"Mine had all different vegetables. It was delicious." - Dylan
"My salad looked like a smiley face with cucumber in it." - Jack
"I made mine like a face too." - Alara
"My salad has some pasta in it." - Indy
Have a look below at our gallery when we made our salads.
DT - Sensational Salads
Star of the week this week is Sophia and our merit certificates were awarded to Jack and Maryam. Well done!