Our classroom has transformed into all things Christmas! Since we have been rehearsing for our Nativity, the children have been so excited so we have decided to change things around a little bit. We now have a Santa’s grotto in our role play and we have decorated the entire room into a Christmas wonderland!


The children have been working so hard in class with their word problems in Mathematics and their Phonics, where we have learnt all about vowels and finding them in words. We have also been on another walk around the School grounds to write diary entries for our autumn diaries. The children are working really hard on forming sentences using conjunctions, punctuation and adjectives.


This week we also made Christmas decorations for a competition. Our entries were judged against two other Schools and we were entered into the Year 1 and 2 category. All of the decorations were amazing and the children worked really hard on them. Iyla-Rose won 2nd place out of the three Schools and we are all very proud of her.


Next week we will be practising in the hall for our Nativity. If your child has lines being sent home today, please make sure they learn them as much as possible as practise makes perfect! We can’t wait for the show and the children are going to be fab-u-lous!!


Our merit certificates this week went to Filza for her amazing work ethic in every single thing she does and to Ines for working really hard with her independent writing. Our star of the week was Toby and Dan the man chose Mya for his football certificate. Well done everyone.


Our week in pictures