We have had another really busy week in Bronze class.
In English this week we have been continuing our Poetry topic and have learnt about a new style of poetry called alliteration.
In Mathematics we have been writing our own subtraction word problems.
In PE we have been improving our dance routines.
In Art we found out some facts about Leonardo Da Vinci.
In Science we have been sorting animals depending on the type of food they eat.
In Geography we have been learning all about volcanoes and how they are formed. We joined with Year 6 for the second half of the afternoon and shared some of the volcanoes we have been making for our homework.
In Computing, William F from year 5 came to help us improve our scratch animations. We are having lots of fun in this lesson and are really enjoying making our own animations.
This week we were very lucky to have the opportunity to visit Tanterton Christian Centre for lunch with the community. The children were a credit to the school on our visit and were praised by everyone in attendance. We had our lunch, sang songs and shared stories and fun things we had been up to. The children got to explore the church and learnt about some of the things that happen over there.
Well done Bronze class....
You are simply the best!!!!
Well done to Philip this weeks star of the week and Skye and Esther who got the merit certificates this week.
We hope you have simply the best weekend. See you on Monday