We’ve had a fantastic week this week, there was some amazing writing done by Ruby, Dawood, Jack, Lexi and Thomas from year 6 on Tuesday and Wednesday, together with a quick break for tossing pancakes on Tuesday…all work and no play and all that! We also spoke about editing out work and how important that is.

A number of children challenged their working memory on Wednesday. We all use our working memory, every time we have to use some information we are trying to keep in our minds…when we get money together to pay for something; when we think about how to spell a word; when someone asks us directions and so many other things. We talked about the things we could do to support our working memory, like repeating things, taking a mental photograph and counting how many things we need to remember, these all help us to use the information in our short-term memory and to use the information.

Thursday saw lots of spotty fun going on in school, when we celebrated World Book Day. Our theme this year, was Dodie Smith’s 1956 book, ‘One Hundred and One Dalmatians’. There were puppies wherever you looked and we even had Horace, Jasper and Cruella De Vil herself! All the children helped to find the two missing puppies though…thank goodness for that!

The prizes were awarded o children from each class who had worked the hardest throughout the day. Well done to all the children and a special ‘well done’ to the prize winners:  

Sunshine Class:

  • Isaac C
  • Justina

Moonbeam Class:

  • Etienne
  • Mya

Rainbow Class:

  • Dylan
  • Emily

Bronze Class:

  • Philip
  • Skye

Silver Class:

  • Jahi
  • Evie

Diamond Class:

  • Max F.
  • Daisy

Gold Class:

  • Connor
  • Hayley


We also did the prize draw for the We are Reading ‘Star Reading Challenge’. Take a look on the web page for that to see who won!

For the challenge this week, why not have a go at the World Book Day quiz?

Have fun and enjoy!