Aye Aye Captain! This week has been so much fun. We have enjoyed being pirates and finding out all about them. At the start of the week we split into our groups and came up with our own pirate names, flags and bases. We searched for treasure, and found famous pirates out in our environment.
Some children did some wonderful writing about where they would go in their ships if they were pirates too.
We have found out about telescopes and binoculars, then made our own. After reading "Pirates love Underpants" we went outside to do some pirate underpant maths work, counting on and back from any number, stating one more or one less and forming our numbers accurately.
We have had an active week, practising our ball skills; rolling, throwing and catching. On Thursday we had our weekly football session with AFC Fylde and we practised skipping skills with and without ropes.
The new term has brought the return of Mrs Bennet our fabulous music teacher. This week she has taught us some new sea shantys, and introduced us to different instruments to help tell a story.
Mrs Hudson has started this term looking at shapes in the environment and has made lovely shape patterns with us. We enjoyed remembering facts about 2D shapes.
Mrs Bradley has been impressed with readers this week! Some children are now reading at stage 5 which is an incredible achievement for reception children! This term to win the reading reward children must read at least 17 times before the 24th May. Remember 'little but often' makes for excellent progress.
Miss Chippendale has continued with phonics.. recapping some of the trickier sounds from the end of last half term as well as looking at the difference between upper and lower case letters. Again this is amazing for us at this stage so we are very proud.
As the start of the week was St Georges day, it was only right that we found out about this brave soldier and the story behind his claim to fame. Some children were amazed at how brave he was with the dragon and hoped he married the princess at the end of the story.
A busy and fun week has made certificate choosing VERY difficult this week but after lots of discussion the adults chose Lucas as star of the week, and Adam and Kara as merit winners for being fantastic pirates. We have also welcomed Ellie as our new Sunshine member, and what a lovely young lady she is!