1. We spent a lot of our time this week learning about debates. We discussed the key features needed in a debate on Monday and then gathered research for our debate about school uniform throughout the week. On Friday we divided the class into two sections and had our own House of Commons style debate.
  2. We continued reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and discovered the lengths that the Dursley’s would go to in order to avoid the magic of the wizarding world. Eventually, we read that Hagrid found Harry and delivered his letter offering him a place at Hogwarts. We then wrote our own reply to the letter – either rejecting or accepting the place and giving reasons why.
  3. This week was our final week creating our own bags as part of the Textiles unit we have been carrying out at Ashton. Whilst we didn’t visit Ashton this week, Mrs Cole and Mrs Gibson helped us to finish our bags which we will bring home at the end of the week.
  4. In R.E, with Mrs Gibson, we read through the story of Muhammed to conclude our topic on Islam. We were then placed into groups and had to act out each part of the story we were given.
  5. We finished our unit about The Black Death and created a graph about the population changes throughout the period. We also showed off our homework for the half term throughout the week. A fantastic effort again this half term – particularly with the creative tasks! Keep it up!