Welcome back to our final term in Year 3 - where has the year gone!!


Our Bronze Class top 5 moments of the week are...

1) We started reading Ottoline and the Yellow Cat in English - Iyla-Rose

2) In History we are learning about the Romans. The Romans invaded Britain over 2000 years ago - Noah

3) In Maths we have been learning a new way to multiply using grid method - Amelia

4) In Art we have been learning about Buddhist Mandalas and coloured in a mandala. - Toby

5) In PE we have been learning some football skills and we played a match of football - Elle


Our star of the week this week is Israel! Our merit certificate winners were Lucy and Anu for their fantastic playscripts. Our good friend award was awarded to Bree-Anna! Well done everyone. 

Enjoy a lovely, sunny weekend!