Welcome back! The sun has had its hat on all week for our first week back which has been wonderful.

We have spent lots of time in our outdoor area this week and incorporated our Mathematics topic of capacity and volume and the children have loved measuring out water using different sized jugs and cups and applying their learnt knowledge to their play.

In English we have become word detectives by widening our knowledge on syllables, rhyming words and compound words. They have all really impressed us with their understanding and their independent work.

We have started our plants topic in Science by discussing what we already know. The children are very excited to begin planting our own plants and finding out lots more information on how they grow, how they stay healthy and where we can find more exotic plants, flowers and trees.

We were also excited to start our Great Fire of London topic in History and we have begun our research into what happened. The children have already shown a key interest into this topic and we are looking forward to next week’s lesson already!

Mrs Dorota worked with the children on Thursday afternoon in Art where they experimented with colour mixing and in PSHCE we discussed how we can recognise when people are being unkind, how it makes us feel and how we can resolve it.

All of the children have had a great first week back in School and we are looking forward to having a full last Summer Term altogether.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine!


Our Star of the Week is Zaynab.

Our Merit Certificate winners are Dylan and Jake.

Our Good Friend award was awarded Payton.