This week in Bronze Class we have started to plan and write our own explanation text based on our History and English topic this half term - Ancient Egypt! 

We are answering the key question 'Was Tutankhamun Killed?' and after examining the evidence available, we are ready to write our own reports in the form of a poster. The children have worked really hard to collect information, plan the poster and now begin the mammoth task of writing it! Keep your eyes peeled as soon these will be coming home for you to share! 

In Mathematics we have been learning about measuring length in cm and finding the perimeter. 

In SPAG we have been looking at contracted words (e.g don't, haven't)

Our Science this week has focused on making informed choices about food and exercise. 

In Design Technology we have been painting our frames. 


Star of the week this week is Dwij. 

Merit certificate winners are Lillie and Archie. 

Our good friend award goes to Ellie

Well done everyone!