What a busy final week we have had of this half term! 

The children have worked very hard in all our subjects this week but here are just a few of the things we have been doing.

1) Ross McWilliam came to visit us on Thursday as part of well-being week. The children have discussed what well-being means to them, how we can keep ourselves mentally and physically healthy and some ways we can help ourselves if we are not feeling great.

2) Our PSHCE in class with Miss Ellison has focused around positive affirmations and reminding ourselves how amazing we are. We have also been telling our friends what we like about them. 

3) In English we have been writing some amazing riddles. The children have really enjoyed writing their own animal riddles and we have solved lots of riddles together as a class too! 

4) in Science we have been investigating the key question Do people with longer legs have longer arm spans? We found out that yes, in general people who have longer legs had a longer arm span. We measured different children's leg length and arm span, as well as measuring Miss Ellison and Mrs Parkinson too to help us prove our hypothesis. 

5) In Mathematics our learning this week has focused on 3D shapes. The children have explored 3D shapes through different activities and been able to name and describe the properties of various 3D shapes. 

Don't forget to have a look at our class gallery to see what we have been doing. 


Our certificate winners this week were:

Star of the week - Sapphire

Merit certificates - Lucas and Kara

Good Friend - Rossi

Well-being Warrior - Jamie 


Well done everyone, and have a lovely half term!