Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and enjoyed the lovely weather over the bank holiday weekend.


We started off Summer Term with a trip to the moon! We were all very excited as we prepared for our flight in the rocket through space and up to the moon. We tried some space food, discussed what we could see out of the rocket, completed fun activities we would like to do on the moon, we practised our moon walk and packed our suitcases full of things we would need to take with us on our trip. We had an amazing morning and the children showed their amazing inference, speaking and listening skills.

Our English fictional text for the beginning of this half term is ‘Man on the Moon’ and we have made predictions this week about what we think the story is going to be about.

“I think he will be there to keep the moon safe from invaders” – Junior

“I think he is on the moon to find other astronauts like him” – Sarah

“I think his team asked him to go to find any black holes” – Virtue

“The man is on the moon to search for aliens” – Nourah

“I think he will see Mars on his adventure” – Oliver


Also this week:
- We have started to explore and name different 3D shapes in Mathematics.

- We have discussed all that we know about materials in Science and explorers in History.

- In PSHCE we shared who is special to them and how we look after them and care for one another.

- On Thursday we had football with AFC Fylde.


Certificate Winners

Star of the Week – Ava-Mae

Good Friend Award – Hunter

Merit Certificates – Jessica and Marcel

AFC Fylde Football Award - Cora