What a two weeks it has been! Over the last two weeks we have been running our Business Enterprise Tuck Shop. Last week, we prepared tuck and served it to KS1 and this week we did the same for the KS2 classes.
This is a project that we have been working on since we completed our SATs and all of the ideas have come from the children. They decided that they wanted to run a tuck shop, each designed then voted on an appropriate logo, carried out market research around school, costed the items needed to run the shop, wrote persuasive letters to Mrs Cole and created advertising posters and videos, as well as running the shop the last two weeks with minimal staff support (outside of buying the products needed). A massive well done to Year 6 for their hard work the last two weeks and throughout the term.
Next week is Y7 Move Up Day for most High Schools. I really hope the children enjoy their day and make the most of the experience! We will see most of you back at school on Tuesday 5th July! On Wednesday we have our School Production which most of Y6 are involved in, followed by our residential and Blackpool Zoo trip the following week! A busy end of the year!