This week in Silver Class the children have been working very hard to plan and then write their biographies about Neil Armstrong. We have learnt lots of interesting facts about his life, including his famous journey to the Moon. "Did you know Neil narrowly escaped death?" - Viaan
In Science, we are learning all about electricity and we have been building circuits to test whether they are complete or incomplete.
In History, the children worked in pairs to research all about Anglo-Saxon life. We have learnt lots about the Anglo-Saxons, including how children aged 10 and over would be class as grown -up and expected to work!
Mr Mearns has been teaching Computing in Silver Class. "We have learnt how to code using Scratch. We've been making algorithms and learning how to be safe online." -Dwij
Merit awards - Lillie and Lucas
Star of the Week - Esme
Good Friend - Grace